Today everyone wants you to move on, get over it, forget about it. Very few people walk you through that process and even fewer tell you what that looks like and how they did it. The result? We’ve got 40 year olds still talking about high school glory days. We’ve got broken people at the altar every Sunday not understanding why a destructive cycle keeps going round and round.
Do you know what the rear view mirror is for in the car? It’s to give you a complete awareness of your surroundings. You can see straight ahead and to the sides just fine, but sometimes you need to respond to your rear view. Speed up to avoid a fender bender or slow down so those following you can stay on track. The Old Testament is full of past references; every genealogy listing starts with Abraham. Why not just begin with the most recent father? Because the memory of how long and how good God has been needed to be repeated and passed on. That’s how you combat the ugly realities in front of you.
I’m telling you what I practice myself. I have to remind myself constantly that God knows what He’s doing sometimes 😁. I can only get through problems by remembering what He’s already done. I get another health hiccup and while I may start a righteous meltdown, I quickly follow it up with an anecdote like; yeah, but I was walking 4 months after my amputation 💃🏿. I then keep this process on repeat until I’m good.
Want to break the cycles that have you in their clutches? Look in your rear view mirror of life, then categorize and characterize items. That demon/person you keep encountering and dating, you forgot to make a list so you recognize them regardless of how they come packaged.
Do you need a lighter example? Are you aware red velvet is simply chocolate with food coloring? I don’t care for chocolate too much, so no matter what color it comes in I’m not tempted..🧐 That’s A Word!
Take a peek, you might be able to make some room for the One who adds to your life and brings no sorrow (Proverbs 10:22).