May I be transparent here?
I’m asking God for a cleansing from the inside out. Great, Hallelujah! I’m watching Him lay things into place that just has all my core folks all a tizzy. Great, Thank you Lord!…and all I feel is a constant battle with apathy.
I’m crying out, walking and talking with God daily. No, really, it must be my turn on His schedule because we chatter away, daily. Then He reveals that I’m not excited about what’s happening because I’m bitter. Although I believe His plans far outweigh anything I could wish for, I’m feeling bitter because none of my plans worked out and I’ve resigned myself to His will be done despite my reluctance. Can I tell you that can jack up a relationship something fierce?
The years I spent in and out the hospital that my family celebrates? My prayer was to die. I didn’t want to live through it to write about it. The dichotomy between my feelings and my spirit? I’ve never seen nor read anything like the exposure God is asking/telling me to do. So, yeah, I ain’t feeling this. Even in my bitterness, God is still good.
Every day I wake up and ask Him to direct and guide me, because left to myself I would always work on my “should be done” list. You know those useless, somewhat productive things that linger in our heads but never seem to get done. Well, my daily lists extends itself every time I wake up. Yet God continues to download ideas and words that I now feel need to be written. It’s meant to help someone and sometimes when I take the time to reread them, they help me too. Every day I feel my bitterness erode as I stay in communication with Him about how I’m feeling and how I’m still willing to submit to His way and plans.
I’m getting better at responding to the nudges I feel to do or say something that would impact others. The other day I gave away all the cash in my wallet. If you know me, that’s big. I will happily transfer, write you a check or use an app, but my cash? Help me Jesus, that’s for snacks. I’ll be honest, God had to repeat himself a couple of times because my obedience was slow in coming, but it came. By the end of the day I was given back more than I had given away, in cash and had an extra blessing on top of that. I wasn’t expecting nor asking for anything, I’m just trying to get in line with God’s will for me. It’s a process, let me tell you, seems like a very LONG one.
The more I get into His Word, the more I purposefully apply His Word to my life, the less I feel bitter about my plans falling apart. Last week I received a call from one of my dreams; it wasn’t a man, lol, it was a graduate program. By the end of the call I just sat still waiting to see what feelings would bubble up. I got nothing. No bitterness, no anger, no anguish, nothing. What I did get was a settlement of peace and a determination to trust God with my future. That is Big for me! Trust is probably going to be my life long battle, but every baby step is a victory.
Take your real feelings to God. Not only can He handle them, but He’s so smooth, He’ll handle you too. Next thing you know you’ll start noticing changes in yourself and can’t do anything but thank Him for it.